Sunday, November 30, 2008

San Jose - Silicon Valley Condos


So what are some of these firsts? I know a few, but the essential piece of the festival is for Silicon Valley residents to go online at and make nominations in five categories: historical; business and tech; sports; arts and culture; and personal (which can be anything from being the first college grad in your family to the first woman on the city council).

Winners in each category will be picked by judges who were pioneers in their own rights: former San Jose Mayor Janet Gray Hayes; legendary San Jose State judo coach Yosh Uchida and Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak.

They'll be announced on the Web site New Year's Day at 10 a.m., when Leigh will host a "virtual pajama party" discussing the picks.

And the people who nominated the winners also will have a "first course" cocktail party with the judges at the swanky 88 condo building in downtown San Jose.

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